34.475.10 BET - Çantë shpine


Basic information

Code 34.475.10
Model BET
Description Çantë shpine me një ndarje kryesore, xhep përpara me zinxhir, dy xhepa anash, ana e pasme e mbushur
Color E zezë
Package 30/1
Net weight 0.32 kg
Materiali Poliester
Shtypi Sito shtyp, Shtyp me leter transfer
Tema Back to school
Bar code 8605040088937

Print information

Logistic info

Pieces per carton 30 pieces
Carton dimensions 0.315 x 0.48 x 0.42 m
Carton gross weight 10.82 kg
Carton volume 0.06 m3
Country of origin Kina
HS code 420212990000

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